Mana Pools

Mana Pools National Park is a wildlife conservation area and national park in northern Zimbabwe. It is a region of the lower Zambezi in Zimbabwe where the floodplain turns into a broad expanse of lakes after each rainy season.

The name Mana means “four” in Shona, in reference to the four large permanent pools formed by the meanderings of the middle Zambezi. These 2,500 square kilometres of river frontage, islands, sandbanks and pools, flanked by forests of mahogany, wild figs, ebonies and baobabs, is one of the least developed national parks in Southern Africa. It has the country’s biggest concentration of hippopotami and crocodiles and large dry season mammal populations of the zebra, elephant and Cape buffalo.

Mana Pools is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Zimbabwe. The park is known for its excellent wildlife viewing, its beautiful scenery, and its opportunities for activities such as walking safaris, canoeing, and fishing.

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