Rhino Safari Camp

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Rhino Safari Camp, Matusadona National Park
Detailed Information

Rhino Safari Camp is an intimate, traditional bushcamp nestled within dense “jesse” bushveld along the shoreline of Lake Kariba at the north-western end of the Matusadona National Park. It is owner operated, small (14 beds only) and highly acclaimed for its friendly, personalised hosting and excellent guiding – providing a perfect balance of comfort and informality in the wild.

Seven twin bedded, open fronted, en-suite bedroom chalets, raised on Tonga-Style stilted platforms are discreetly spaced along the shoreline – all with spectacular views over Lake Kariba’s panoramic water & sky-scapes. . The camp is unfenced and wildlife moves freely between the chalets along well used game trails. Be prepared for a truly wild experience. Your completely safe, elevated, platform chalet, makes the perfect “hide” from which to enjoy close up, eye-level encounters with passing elephants, or marvel at the diverse birdlife in the surrounding bush!

From the soft golden glow of the early morning when the Fish Eagle calls the sun over the horizon, to the tranquil crimson of sunset, with drinks by the fire and dinner beneath the stars, Rhino Safari Camp offers a totally uncontrived safari experience in unspoilt wilderness surroundings.